illumineX Public IDO & Whitelist Announcement

illumineX Private Wallet 🟢
5 min readDec 10, 2023


To our amazing illumineX community, the time is finally here. The long awaited info on the public IDO and Whitelist winners will all be explained below.

Public IDO Date & Structure:

As mentioned in our previously released Medium article, there were guaranteed spots reserved for specific members from varying communities, to help facilitate this in a whitelist that is over subscribed and make sure they have an opportunity to participate, we’re splitting the whitelist rounds in two.

Friday 15th December (14:00 GMT) — Guaranteed Whitelist IDO — 24 hours

If you have been hand selected through community events (non raffle) or been the recipient of a guaranteed spot from the illumineX team, you will have 24 hours to submit your allocation through our native platform. This part of the whitelist is not over subscribed and you will 100% be able to participate during this 24 hour period.

Saturday 16th December (14:00 GMT) — Whitelist IDO for Raffle Winners — 6 hours (FCFS)

If you’ve been a lucky winner from any of our Whitelist raffles, whether they have been our own public raffles or hosted with other communities, it is at this stage you will be able to submit your allocated amount. Due to this being held after the Guaranteed Whitelist IDO, this section will take the over subscription to 130%, so it is important that you bear in mind the launch time. Participation will be on a first come, first served basis.

Saturday 16th December (20:00 GMT) — Public IDO for ALL raffle participants —24 hours

If the Whitelisted period does not fulfil the $300,000 raise, this is then open to any wallets that have previously participated in any public or private raffle. This will carry a maximum contribution of $500 per person and will have restrictions in place to ensure any one person can not submit more than once.

Sunday 17th December (20:00 GMT) — Public IDO open to all — 7 days

At this stage, anyone is able to participate that has not previously taken part in a prior round. No whitelist or prior raffle entries are required. A maximum contribution of $500 per person applies and 1 purchase per person. If the Public IDO does not sell out, any non purchased tokens will be burned.

The raise will be on Ethereum in USDT only. $IX will be received on Oasis Sapphire. Please take into account gas fees.

How to check if you’re Whitelisted or won a raffle spot

To check if you’re whitelisted, please visit our page Whitelist checker page here:

Within this page, you’ll be able to see your available allocation and whether you have been selected for the Guaranteed Whitelist IDO, Whitelist IDO or the Public IDO for raffle participants.

Congratulations if you’ve been one of the lucky winners!

What can I do if I didn’t win a Whitelist?

Please don’t feel disheartened if this is the case; we have had thousands of entries and limited Whitelists to be awarded. We have introduced the Public IDO round mentioned above for all raffle participants. We value every single member of our community but it was inevitable that not everyone could be whitelisted but this round gives everyone who has expressed an interest, a chance, subject to allocations still being available. Please stay tuned to our socials to stay up to date

We do understand the excitement around winning a Whitelisted spot, but please understand that no FUD will be tolerated if you weren’t able to secure an allocation.

Wen Launch?

We’ve actually some exciting news on this front, recently we submitted for our platform audit, meaning we’ll be able to release an audited product on launch. Further demonstrating our commitment to build a safe, compliant platform for our users.

Due to being in the hands of a third party auditing company, our hope is to be on main net before the end of December and early January, but we are aiming to release a fully audited product. Stay tuned for the exact details nearer the time!

Wen Token?

The holiday period is often quiet within Web3. Many individuals and third parties take this time to recoup from what can be a relentless industry to partake in, so there is often a natural quiet period within the market. Meaning this is not optimal for a token launch. But also recognise the excitement of our private & public round participants to get going, so the TGE (Token Generation Event) will take place early January, audit permitting. The exact time of the launch will be released nearer the time.

$IX Launch Mechanics

To ensure a smooth and fair launch to all participants, we have put several measures in place for the $IX listing. Please make sure you understand these fully before partaking in any market activities:

  • Anti-Whale — For the first 1 hour of trading, wallets will be restricted in buying a maximum of .50% of the circulating $IX tokens. This will benefit fairer distribution for early market participants. This will be removed after 1 hour.
  • Anti-Bot — Not all of these mechanics will be made public, however we have taken steps to minimise any malicious bot activity upon launch.
  • Initial Buy & Sell Tax — For the first 7 minutes of trading, a 35% buy and sell tax will be applied to the $IX token. This is a strong deterrent to minimise any bot participation.
  • Once the 7 minute window has finished, buy & sell tax will be reduced to 10% for the remainder of that one hour from launch.
  • Once $IX has been live for one hour, all collected taxes will be used in one large buy back and burn.
  • The contract address will be released across our social platforms after listing, adding another layer of difficulty in getting a head start for any malicious actors that are paying attention.
  • We have recognised the demand in the market for our launch, we have ensured there will be sufficient liquidity to cater for however the market reacts.
  • The pair on launch will be $IX/$Rose on Sapphire, auto routing is in place from other pairs but is subject to bridging delays, costs and slippage.

We can appreciate the above mechanics won’t make things perfect for each individual set of circumstances, but are strong steps in the right direction to deter any manipulation that some may consider partaking in.


We’re hugely excited to be able to bring illumineX to Web3 and look forward to allowing users to regain their privacy, in a decentralised manner.

Please don’t feel disheartened if this is the case; we have had thousands of entries and limited Whitelists to be awarded. We value every single member of our community but it was inevitable that not everyone could be selected. We have introduced the Public IDO round mentioned above for all raffle participants, hoping to offer another route to get involved, this round gives everyone who has expressed an interest, a chance, subject to allocations still being available at this stage.

Please stay tuned to our socials to stay up to date:

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-The illumineX Team 💚



illumineX Private Wallet 🟢

Cross-chain privacy wallet with private swaps integrated. Regain your privacy now 🥷 Supports Bitcoin, Tron and Solana soon!